Part of the BCA mission is a keen interest into our citizens health. We already support initiatives aimed at protecting our health. We also started promoting lectures on various subjects, the first ones being health related.
On January 8th 2020 a concerned Beaconsfield resident, made an interesting and very well documented presentation on the theme " HEALTH EFFETS OF WIRELESS RADIATIONS".
This 40 minutes filled with scientific facts and references was supported by Powerpoint slides and related links :
A video documentary on the "Smart Meters" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZTiT9ZSg3Q
A link to a very well documented site and source of well documented videos by experts about 5G Crisis : https://the5gsummit.com/?idev_id=25030 . This link gives you access to register for one week to this very interesting site.
Next conference will cover the "LYME DISEASE". It will be held in March or April (to be confirmed soon).